Poster Presenters
Many thanks to the McGill University Enrolment Services Exam Office for their invaluable assistance with processing the poster judging results.
PRION 2011 organizers are pleased to announce the following poster award recipients, who were recognized at the congress Gala Dinner on May 19th:
Affected Environments
Best Poster Luke Price, University of Alberta "Detection of PrPCWD from the saliva, urine and feces of experimentally-infected white-tailed deer"
Honourable Mentions Christen Smith, University of Wisconsin "Time-Dependent Decline in PrPTSE Desorption from Soil Particles" Tizazu Mekonnen, University of Alberta "Development of Novel Value-Added Industrial Protein Applications"
Prion Biology
Best Poster Assunta Senatore, Dulbecco Telethon Institute in Milan, Italy "Mutant Prion Protein Suppresses Glutamatergic Neurotrasmission in Cerebellar Granule Neurons by Impairing Membrane Delivery of Voltage-gated Calcium Channels"
Honourable Mentions Charles Mays, University of Alberta "Endoproteolysis of Shadoo and Doppel" Matthew Bishop, University of Edinburgh "Variant CJD strain transmission from the spleen of a codon 129 MV genotype patient"
Prion-like Propagation and Protein Misfolding
Best Poster Allen Herbst, University of Alberta "Generation of PrP-res by Unseeded PMCA"
Honourable Mentions Patricia Leighton, University of Alberta "Zebrafish models of Prion and Alzheimer diseases via zinc finger nuclease knockout" Jason Yau, Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto "Probing the assembly of human prion peptide fibrils by solid-state NMR and interaction with model membrane"
Managing Prion Disease Risk
Best Poster Aye Chan Myae, University of Alberta "Explaining Preferences for CWD Management Strategies"
Honourable Mention Roberta Galeno, Istituto Superiore di Sanita in Rome, Italy "Transmission of atypical Italian sCJD case to humanized mice reveals a novel infectious strain" Fabio Moda, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta in Milan, Italy "Brain delivery of AAV9 expressing anti-PrP molecules delays prion disease onset in mice"
Poster Presentations will be located on the Convention Floor level in the Hochelaga Room. Posters will be displayed from 17:00 on Monday, May 16 until 15:30 on Thursday, May 19 inclusive. Please refer to the Poster Presentation Guidelines that were distributed to presenting authors via e-mail for details regarding format, size, content etc.:
Each poster presentation is allocated board space of 4' wide x 4' high however you may choose to make your poster smaller than the poster board display area. If you are intending to utilize the full board space, we suggest that your final poster dimension be 47" x 47" so it does not extend over the outer board frame. Prior to the congress, please ensure your materials will fit this dimension.
Materials must be mounted flat on your poster board with the use of Velcro or push pins. Bringing your own supplies is encouraged although these items will be available from the Registration Desk on-site.
Handouts must be contained in a pouch, envelope or container provided by the presenter. Handouts cannot be placed on the floor. Ensure you bring enough handouts (suggested 200-350), as conference management will be unable to assist you with additional photocopies. Any handouts should be clear and concise and include a summary of your poster and no commercial or advertising material. We also suggest you bring business cards to distribute to those interested in your work; and have an envelope or container to collect business cards. All items must be attached to the poster board surface. Freestanding items such as tables or computers cannot be accommodated.
Set-up: Monday, May 16 12:00 - 17:00
Tear-down: Thursday, May 19 15:30 - 17:00
Presenters are to tear-down their posters according to the above schedule only. Any materials remaining after the scheduled tear-down time will be removed and discarded by Conference Management.
POSTER VIEWING There will be a designated Poster Viewing Coffee Break on each afternoon of the PRION 2011 Congress. The poster author should be in attendance at their poster during the times listed below. This time is scheduled to provide delegates the opportunity to discuss the poster with the author.
Tuesday, May 17 15:00 - 16:00 Wednesday, May 18 15:15 - 16:30 Thursday, May 19 14:35 - 15:05 (optional)
Student and Post-Doctoral Fellow Poster Competition We ask that poster authors participating in the competition are at their assigned poster location during the poster session times on May 17 and 18 as indicated in the PRION 2011 program in order to be evaluated for the competition by the Poster Judges.
Filming : The oral presentations of the PRION 2011 Congress and posters will be filmed as in previous years by NeuroPrion. Each speaker will be requested to complete an authorization waiver for their oral or poster presentation to be published on the private and secure NeuroPrion website.